Merritt Island Air & Heat takes pride in serving the Central Florida community. We’ve donated a complete Trane HVAC system to Nana’s House, sponsored numerous teams and clubs, and raised money for the Toys For Kids Foundation. Our goal is to give back to the communities that have kept us in business since 1971. Read on to learn about our recent community involvement.
After reading a newspaper article about an organization called Nana’s House, we decided to call and learn about it. The article about neglected, abused and needy children touched us. But that was nothing compared to the love and passion that the President of Nana’s House, Kim, has for this cause.
Nana’s House is a group children’s home for neglected, abused, needy or abandoned children, ages 0-18. These children are taken care of in every manner. The mission of Nana’s House is to provide a safe, secure and loving home where these children can experience God’s love and healing. We were sold.
We met Kim at the house in Palm Bay and found out that the air conditioner in the house currently was no longer functional and that it needed ductwork. We installed a Trane 14 SEER Heat Pump with a Variable Speed Air Handler. Hopefully giving to this program provides comfort to children less fortunate than most.
We donated a free heating and air conditioning system to the Toys For Kids Foundation, too. The system was auctioned off live on the air with 107.1FM during the Christmas Holidays, and it raised $4,500. (This was our second time participating in the annual auction.) The Stahl residence won the auction and had a Heat Pump installed in their home. We want to thank the Stahl family for the winning bid and for helping children have a more joyful Christmas.
Here are the organizations, clubs and events we’ve sponsored recently:
- United Way
- South Merritt Island Little League
- Merritt Island Senior League Baseball
- Eau Gallie Little League Softball
- First Overdrive Robotics Competition
- Under 15 Youth Soccer
- Finney Racing Enterprises
- Merritt Island High Athletic Club
- Mustang Hoof notes
- Merritt Island Boy’s Basketball Program
- Jefferson Jr. High Girls Basketball Program
- American Cancer Society
- Merritt Island Youth Football
- Merritt Island Youth Football
- Merritt Island High Dance Team
- Cape Canaveral Hospital Foundation Grand Prix
- Lights of Love
- Merritt Island High Dugout Club (Baseball)
- Merritt Island High Yearbook
- Merritt Island High Pony Express
- Merritt Island High Quarter Back Club
- BPOE Viera Elks 2817
- Cocoa High School
- Brevard Heaters Club
- Space coast ASHRAE
- Cocoa Little League
- Port St. John Pop Warner
- Port St. John Youth Sports Association
- Cocoa Beach Chamber of Commerce
- First Baptist Church
- Windy Hill Drama Club
- East Ridge High School
- Delta Publishing (NASCAR Calendar)