Protect Your Viera, FL, Home From These Causes of Poor IAQ

Viera, FL, homes are susceptible to poor indoor air quality, especially during allergy season. Knowing what causes poor indoor air quality can be the first step to making the necessary changes to improve your home’s IAQ, and subsequently, your family’s health. Here are seven common causes of poor IAQ:


Polybrominated biphenyl and polychlorinated biphenyl are common chemicals found in consumer goods that contain traces of plastic, such as furniture and electronics. Manufacturers treat the products with PBB and PCB to make them fire-resistant. Unfortunately, the chemicals also leach into the air over time.


Polyutherane is another common chemical you can find large traces of in households. It’s notorious for being a toxic chemical when inhaled in large amounts or during a prolonged period. Polyutherane helps seal wood furnishing and flooring to protect them from water damage and boost their aesthetic appeal. You can also find the chemical inside conventional mattresses.


Pests including fire ants, dry wood termites and bed bugs are common, especially during Florida summers. This forces many homeowners to use pesticides to combat the infestation. While the chemical products available are effective at killing these pests, pesticides also leave residue, which can negatively impact your home’s indoor air quality.

Pet Dander

Having pets in your home can bring joy to you and your family. But they also bring fur and dander that sheds off regularly and mixes with the air. Your HVAC system traps these solid particles but only to a certain amount until it eventually is unable to circulate conditioned air in and out of your home.

Clogged Air Filter and Ductwork

A clogged filter results in poor airflow and quality. If dirt and debris cover your air filter, the whole system has to work harder to distribute air where needed. Make it a point to replace your air filter every month.

Dirt and debris accumulating in your ductwork can also lead to poor indoor air quality. Some symptoms to look for when determining if it’s your ductwork that’s causing the poor air quality include varying temperatures in different rooms and a recent unexpected spike in your utility costs.

Cigarette Smoke

The air pollutants released into the air when you smoke a cigarette can linger on and even stick to your furniture and fabrics. Secondhand smoke can cause a myriad of health problems, especially to higher-risk individuals, including infants and older people with weaker respiratory health. Fortunately, a behavioral modification and an air purifier can both help reduce traces of cigarette smoke that end up in your home.

Home Sealed Off

If your home doesn’t have any doors or windows open and no airflow equipment running, the air inside becomes stale. When outdoor temperatures are comfortable, such as during nighttime, consider opening the windows to let the breeze inside. You can also switch your ceiling and exhaust fans on to help move air around.

If weather conditions or safety concerns prevent you from opening any doors or windows, invest in air quality instruments. These can include a dehumidifier or humidifier, depending on the season, or energy recovery ventilators. Plants are also a good addition to your home as they are natural filters that clean the air and add aesthetic appeal.

Are you looking to improve your home’s indoor air quality in Viera, Florida? Contact Merritt Island Air & Heat today to get more information about our indoor air quality services or to schedule an HVAC repair or maintenance appointment. One of our customer service representatives can walk you through what to expect and answer any inquiries you may have. We’re here to help!

Image provided by iStock

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