Is Your HVAC Thermostat in Rockledge, FL, Beyond Repair?

The thermostat is the central communication component of HVAC systems. As such, ensuring this device is properly functioning is critical to keep you comfortable throughout the seasons. Here are some signs your HVAC thermostat in Rockledge, FL, is beyond repair and needs replacing:

Your HVAC Thermostat is Old

Generally, the lifetime of thermostats is about 10 years, after which they begin to deteriorate. If you need to slide a lever or turn a large dial, your device is definitely old. Such thermostats only provide basic functions without accurate temperature control.

Old devices lack programming features that allow the configuration of various settings based on your routine. In addition, you lose out on the efficiency and savings that modern smart thermostats offer. If your HVAC thermostat isn’t digital, it’s time to replace your device.

Your HVAC System Short-Cycles

Short-cycling happens when your HVAC system won’t complete the heating or cooling cycle. This scenario makes your system turn on and off frequently without attaining desired settings. Consequently, overworking will cause numerous heating repairs or replacements of most components.

Failure to Respond to Setting Changes

You should hear a clicking sound immediately after you key in a different temperature as the HVAC thermostat responds to new settings. However, if you notice your device takes too long or fails to adjust to the change, there’s a communication failure.

Difficulties in Maintaining Set Temperatures

The thermostat is responsible for maintaining set temperatures unless there’s a shift. Your device has an issue if it constantly changes temperatures without prior interference. It could be changing the settings on its own or sending a signal to the HVAC system.

Proper education about HVAC components saves you from the frustrations of a failing and inefficient system. For more information about upgrading your thermostat or our HVAC services, contact Merritt Island Air & Heat today.

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