3 Reasons to Choose a Programmable Thermostat

There are many advantages to using a programmable thermostat in your Merritt Island, Florida, home. Setting your HVAC system to run only when your family is home can lower utility bills, reduce wear and extend your unit’s lifespan. Choose a programmable thermostat for increased energy savings, fewer air conditioner breakdowns and easy HVAC zoning.

Increased Energy Savings

There’s no reason to keep your air conditioning system running while you’re asleep or at work. With a programmable thermostat, you can pick different schedules for weekdays, weekends and holidays. These thermostats are easy to use and install, and they usually pay for themselves quickly through energy savings.

Fewer Air Conditioner Breakdowns

Using your HVAC system less helps it last longer. It also helps you avoid expensive charges for a repair or replacement. Many programmable thermostats can remind you about regular maintenance activities such as changing your air filter or getting your air conditioner inspected by an expert. Some models can also monitor your humidity and indoor air quality. As a result, they can let you know if there’s a problem.

Easy HVAC Zoning

Many ductless systems have more than one indoor air handler. Other zoning systems have two or more separate HVAC systems, or they use dampers in their ductwork to send cool air where you need it the most.

Zoning lets you correct warm areas or drafts easily. You can change the temperature in your bedroom or living room without impacting the rest of the household. You can also control many programmable thermostats from any location with your computer or smartphone.

Merritt Island Air & Heat can help you choose the best programmable thermostat and a variety of other equipment for your home. We’re a Trane Comfort Specialist, and we’re a family business with decades of cooling experience. For outstanding service from our knowledgeable experts, call us anytime at (321) 392-6564.

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