3 Signs It’s Time for a New Furnace for Your Home

No one wants to accept the fact they need to invest in a new furnace. But eventually all home appliances reach the end of their useful life. While many furnace issues only require professional repair, some become more serious and signal that it’s time for you to install a new system. Here are some indicators your furnace in Melbourne, FL, is past the point of repair:

Carbon Monoxide Leaks

The most glaring sign you need to have a new furnace installed is that carbon monoxide is leaking into your home. Often called the “silent killer” thanks to its colorless and odorless nature, carbon monoxide leaks can cause a long list of health problems. If your furnace is leaking this toxic gas into your home, you should turn off the heater. Then, evacuate the home and immediately call us for an inspection.

The Age of Your Furnace

Just like you can’t keep a car forever, your heater will eventually reach the end of its useful life. You should plan on a furnace replacement after the system reaches the 15-year mark. Not only are older furnaces more apt to break down, but newer models are also significantly more energy-efficient.

Rising Utility Bills

Speaking of efficiency, you may notice an increase in your utility bills during the winter months if your furnace is an older system. Not only do older systems lack the efficiency present in newer ones, but they also typically have to work harder to keep your home warm during cooler months. Instead of continuing to spend more on utility bills, consider investing in a new heater.

Our team is happy to provide all the heating installation and repair services you need to stay comfortable. If you need a new furnace, call Merritt Island Air & Heat today to find out how we can serve your heating and cooling needs.

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