4 Ways You Can Extend the Life of Your Heat Pump

A heat pump is a great HVAC solution for homeowners in Palm Bay, FL. But your house will become extremely uncomfortable if your system stops working. Therefore, you need to do everything you can to make it last. Read on for four tips to make your heat pump last as long as possible:

Change the Air Filter

Various kinds of debris and particulate can get into your air. This is why you need to replace your air filters every 30-90 days. Dirty and clogged air filters force the HVAC system to work much harder, which can cause a lot of issues down the road. As a result, your energy and repair bills might increase.

Make Sure It Gets Routine Maintenance

Make sure you follow the maintenance schedule set forth for you in the warranty. Along with making sure the heat pump is still covered, following this schedule keeps your system in the best condition possible. If you don’t do this, your heat pump’s lifespan might end up being much shorter than you hoped.

Don’t Repair the Heat Pump Yourself

If your heat pump needs maintenance or repairs, don’t try to do the job yourself. Always hire trained and licensed HVAC professionals in Palm Bay, FL, for repairs to make each job successful. If you attempt repairs yourself, it could even void the heat pump’s warranty.

Clean Around the Outdoor Unit

Clean the outdoor unit and make sure there’s nothing blocking the air intake. A clogged intake forces the system to overwork. Any small particulate that isn’t cleaned out can also get into the air, worsening the air quality in your home.

If you need service on your heat pump, call the pros. Contact Merritt Island Air & Heat for a variety of HVAC repair and installation services to help homeowners in the Palm Bay, FL, area.

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