4 Ways to Prepare Your Furnace for Cooler Winter Weather

Winter is around the corner, and it’s that time you start gearing up for the cold weather. Have you had your furnace inspected to ensure it’s functioning well? Here are four ways to prepare your furnace for winter weather in Satellite Beach, FL:

Clean or Change Furnace Filters

We spend approximately 90% of our time indoors. Therefore, you need to ensure that your furnace’s air filter is clean and functioning well. As a result, you’ll improve the performance of your heating system. You’ll also make your home more habitable.

Many manufacturers and HVAC experts recommend that you replace the filter every three months. If your filter is reusable, it may just require some cleaning. Periodic cleaning helps remove dust, dirt and other particulate matter.

Schedule Professional HVAC Maintenance

They say prevention is better than a cure. This adage still holds water even for your HVAC equipment. Schedule professional maintenance to improve efficiency and reduce the chances of an unexpected breakdown this winter.

Check if Your Blower Belt Has Cracks

Inspect your blower belt to find out whether it’s loose or worn. Cracks in your blower belt could be a sign that it’s wearing out, which can reduce the efficiency of your furnace. If this is the case with your blower belt, you need to contact your HVAC service technician to replace it.

Use Good Ventilation

Your furnace will operate well when there’s good ventilation and clean air. Keep the furnace clean and free of debris. Remove any items near air ducts or vents or anything that could be leaning against your furnace.

Your furnace is essential equipment for warming your home, so you don’t want it to fail when winter comes. Contact Merritt Island Air & Heat for all your heating service needs. We’re here to help you maximize heating efficiency.

Image provided by iStock

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