3 Ways to Protect an HVAC System From a Hurricane

The hurricane season is here, and for most people in West Melbourne, FL, safety is a priority. While ensuring that your family and home’s safety comes first, we recommend securing your HVAC system. Here are three reliable ways to keep your HVAC system protected this hurricane season:

Elevate Your AC System

Hurricanes bring with them the possibility of floods, so consider elevating your outdoor HVAC system to a higher position. The positional uplift will help prevent any water damage in case of flooding or high-water events.

While this may feel like a simple task, we advise you to enlist the help of a professional. Frequent damage of refrigerant lines occurs with amateur attempts to lift the HVAC system.

Turn Off the Power

Hurricane storms mean a lot of rain, wind and water. These conditions could lead to power outages or surges, putting your HVAC system at risk. As you anticipate or experience a storm, the best course of action is to switch off your HVAC system.

Additionally, try to get your home cooler than your desired temperature before storms as you anticipate powering your system down. Making these temperature changes will help keep your home comfortable even when the HVAC system is off. Power back on when the hurricane passes, or when you are no longer at risk of floods.

Before turning your system back on, hire an HVAC expert to check for any damages. Turning on your system with possible damages can lead to more damages on your air conditioner and significant repair costs.

Clear Any Loose Objects

The location of your HVAC system should be clear of any loose objects or materials. The high gusts of winds associated with storms can cause flying objects to damage your AC system’s components.

Consider cleaning your lawn of piled-up dirt or leaves and branches. This lawn debris may not be sharp but could also cause damage to the inner components of your HVAC system.

Covering up your HVAC system will help keep it protected, and the coverage works together with the above guidelines. Contact Merritt Island Air & Heat to check, repair and maintain your HVAC system before, during and after hurricane season.

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