What Makes Air Conditioners in Palm Bay, FL, Overheat?

Air conditioners provide relief as temperatures soar. But if your AC system overheats, cooling your Palm Bay, FL, will be difficult. Let’s look at why air conditioners overheat and what you can do to avoid this problem to protect your home comfort this cooling season.

Clogged Air Filters

Your AC system’s air filter prevents dust and debris from getting inside the air conditioner. If yours clogs, it’ll make the air conditioner less efficient. This prevents sufficient airflow through your system and forces it to work harder to cool your home, leading to overheating in time.

Low Refrigerant Levels

Your air conditioner may be a closed-loop system, but the refrigerant can leak due to wear and tear on the ducts and pipes. Low refrigerant levels can cause your air conditioner to overheat. If you notice a refrigerant leak, contact a service technician and schedule AC repair services.

Dirty or Frozen Condenser Coils

For the condenser coils to absorb heat effectively and cool your house, they must always be clean. Dirty or frozen coils limit their ability to do so.

When the A systemC fails to cool your home’s air temperature normally, it goes through continuous cooling cycles. These long cycles make all of the air conditioner’s parts susceptible to overheating.

Old Age

Due to aging and wear and tear, your AC system might overheat. The aging air conditioner’s increasing inefficiency causes the compressor to overheat as it struggles to meet its demands throughout the cooling cycle. This is especially prevalent in air conditioners that have been in service for more than 10 years.

Maintaining your air conditioner properly will make it less prone to overheating. We can help ensure your home’s HVAC systems are constantly running efficiently. If you need maintenance or other air conditioner services, contact us at Merritt Island Air & Heat today.

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